German startups rose 3% in 2023, but 2024 outlook is grim

Post Content
2024-06-17 15:08:38

Del Amitri singer: I know Parkinson's will stop me

Musician Justin Currie says the prospect of having to give up performing is "quite grim".
2024-03-10 15:07:48

Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet

The oceans are a vital regulator for the climate and our weather but are rapidly heating up.
2023-08-05 02:21:37

What's next in the search for the imploded submersible?

The search for the Titan submersible that captivated the world came to an abrupt and grim end this week after fragments of the vessel were detected on the ocean floor near the Titanic. The discovery led the US Coast Guard to announce the ship likely imploded, killing all five passengers aboard.
2023-06-24 16:06:59

What's next in the search for the imploded submersible?

The search for the Titan submersible that captivated the world came to an abrupt and grim end this week after fragments of the vessel were detected on the ocean floor near the Titanic. The discovery led the US Coast Guard to announce the ship likely imploded, killing all five passengers aboard.
2023-06-24 11:07:13

We come, we take pictures, we leave: Gaza's grim routine

Now I come once a year for the annual flare up between Gaza militants in Israel. The flare up lasts a few days, maybe a week. I cover it. I leave.
2023-05-17 23:07:54


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